Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Feb. 08

Matthew 20:1-16

1 "The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.
2 After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard.
3 Going out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
4 2 and he said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just.'
5 So they went off. (And) he went out again around noon, and around three o'clock, and did likewise.
6 Going out about five o'clock, he found others standing around, and said to them, 'Why do you stand here idle all day?'
7 They answered, 'Because no one has hired us.' He said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard.'
8 When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
9 When those who had started about five o'clock came, each received the usual daily wage.
10 So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more, but each of them also got the usual wage.
11 And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner,
12 saying, 'These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
13 He said to one of them in reply, 'My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
14 Take what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
15 (Or) am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?'
16 Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."

Psalms 58:1-12

1 For the leader. Do not destroy. A miktam of David.
2 Do you indeed pronounce justice, O gods; do you judge mortals fairly?
3 No, you freely engage in crime; your hands dispense violence to the earth.
4 The wicked have been corrupt since birth; liars from the womb, they have gone astray.
5 Their poison is like the poison of a snake, like that of a serpent stopping its ears,
6 So as not to hear the voice of the charmer who casts such cunning spells.
7 O God, smash the teeth in their mouths; break the jaw-teeth of these lions, LORD!
8 Make them vanish like water flowing away; trodden down, let them wither like grass.
9 Let them dissolve like a snail that oozes away, like an untimely birth that never sees the sun.
10 Suddenly, like brambles or thistles, have the whirlwind snatch them away.
11 Then the just shall rejoice to see the vengeance and bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.
12 Then it will be said: "Truly there is a reward for the just; there is a God who is judge on earth!"


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